I heard these baby cocoons are gaining in popularity, so I thought I would whip up my own pattern. Use this instead of swaddling your baby with a blanket. Super easy, super cheap pattern. Click on the picture to go check it out.
Monday, December 29, 2008
New One
New listing
I heard these baby cocoons are gaining in popularity, so I thought I would whip up my own pattern. Use this instead of swaddling your baby with a blanket. Super easy, super cheap pattern. Click on the picture to go check it out.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Latest and Greatest
New listing
Here is the latest edition to my pattern collection. It is a hexagon granny scarf. This was fun to make and it used up alot of my small bits of yarn I had laying around. Check it out at my shop by clicking on the post titel or the picture. Happy hooking!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Pattern of the Week
Pattern of the Week

Dress done right.
Leave it to Drops design to make a dress that I would actually consider wearing. Mostly because it looks more like a tunic (don't think I would sport that without some jeans underneath -- way too short for my tastes). The simply pattern with sleeves that are actually a good length (how many times have you seen the crocheted top with the just not quite long enough sleeves), is cute but not bulky like so many crocheted garments usually are.
Click on the picture or post title to be directed to the free pattern.
Cool Tip
Money saving tips

I just heard about this very neat crochet trick from way back in the day. This is for all of you who prefer to wind your skeins into balls rather than work from the center of the skein (or if you are like me who wind the leftover skeins from finished projects into balls). Simply buy a clay pot from the local Home Depot (make sure it has a drain hole), take it home, turn it upside down on top of your ball and feed the string through the hole. Now, no more balls rolling around your floor, and you could even paint the outside of the pot to make it cute. Plus it is alot cheaper than buying one of the plastic snapware yarn container (even when they are on sale).
Coupon Commotion and Yarn Sale
So going on right now through Joann.com is a coupon commotion. Up until Dec 24th (yes, tomorrow) they have 50% off coupons available. Hopefully you are already signed up for their emails, if not, you should because I received about four of these coupons in the last week. I also got some in the mail.
Then starting Dec. 26th many of their yarns will be on sale. Red Heart Super saver, Lion Brand Wool Ease, Jiffy, Fun Fur and Vanna's Choice, Lily Sugar'n Cream Super Size are all on sale for $1.99 a skein. That is a really good price for the Lion Brands for sure. I have been using the Vanna's Choice lately and am pleasantly surprised at how much I like it, and it has really great colors. I will defnitely be stocking up the day after xmas.
Then starting Dec. 26th many of their yarns will be on sale. Red Heart Super saver, Lion Brand Wool Ease, Jiffy, Fun Fur and Vanna's Choice, Lily Sugar'n Cream Super Size are all on sale for $1.99 a skein. That is a really good price for the Lion Brands for sure. I have been using the Vanna's Choice lately and am pleasantly surprised at how much I like it, and it has really great colors. I will defnitely be stocking up the day after xmas.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Pattern of the Week
Pattern of the Week

Don't these just look delicious? I love this site, it has the best looking desserts to crochet. They have so many free patterns you can make a different dessert for everyone you know. Click on the picture or post title to get to the free patterns now!
Forgot to show my other new items...
New listing
Totally fogot about listing these other two patterns. Both for adults, the left is a cowl, aka fake scarf. It's basically a tube you fit over your head and it will keep your neck warm without the bulk of a scarf. The right is the grown up version of my little girl legwarmers. These are great to go with the fashion tights that are out there right now, or if you are a dancer then you can't go wrong. Click on the post title to go to my shop to check them out.
New Pattern Listed
New listing
Here is the latest addition to my pattern family. I like the idea of ear flaps for little ones (this is for young children -- I just stretched it to get it on the fake head) and I know my daughter doesn't really like wearing her hats. However, once I got this on her head and she saw the kitty ears, she wouldn't take it off and was meowing all over the house. Click on the picture or post title to take you to the shop. Only $3.50, but use promo: 15off to get 15% off anything in the shop now thru xmas day!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sales, Sales, everywhere there's Sales
Notice when you don't have any money, you find tons of things to buy. I have never seen so many sales for yarn and craft things (now that I am learning to sew, I am also obsessed with all things fabric).
If you can take advantage of these sales, start buying and get your stash going. Then when you are stuck at home instead of Cancun for a vacation this year (not that I get to go on vacation ever) you will have plenty to do.
Make sure you sign up for the email notifications on sites such as Joann.com and Michaels.com, I have received at least four 50% off coupons from Joanns in the last week alone. I thankfully have one around the corner so I can go everyday if I feel like it to use up the coupons. If you don't have one close by, ask the cashier to break up your purchases to take advantage of all the coupons you are bringing. If you are nice, odds are they will be nice back and do it for you. If not, there is no shame in walking out the door after using one coupon and walking back in and getting in a different line to use another coupon (you gotta do whatcha gotta do in these times). My philosophy is if they send me all those coupons at once, they should expect me to use everyone of them or not send me that many if they don't want the trouble.
So get out those coupons fellow hookers and start stashing. You know you'll use it eventually.
If you can take advantage of these sales, start buying and get your stash going. Then when you are stuck at home instead of Cancun for a vacation this year (not that I get to go on vacation ever) you will have plenty to do.
Make sure you sign up for the email notifications on sites such as Joann.com and Michaels.com, I have received at least four 50% off coupons from Joanns in the last week alone. I thankfully have one around the corner so I can go everyday if I feel like it to use up the coupons. If you don't have one close by, ask the cashier to break up your purchases to take advantage of all the coupons you are bringing. If you are nice, odds are they will be nice back and do it for you. If not, there is no shame in walking out the door after using one coupon and walking back in and getting in a different line to use another coupon (you gotta do whatcha gotta do in these times). My philosophy is if they send me all those coupons at once, they should expect me to use everyone of them or not send me that many if they don't want the trouble.
So get out those coupons fellow hookers and start stashing. You know you'll use it eventually.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
New Pattern Listed
New listing
My newest addition to the shop. I noticed a few days ago that there was a stong lack of leg warmer patterns on Etsy... so.... see a need, fill a need. Here is the first version I have come up with. I am currently working on some adult size warmers right now, then I might try a different pattern for the little girl warmers. You can click on the title of the link or either picture to take you to the listing to purchase them if you like. Only $4, that's almost free!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Pattern of the Week
Pattern of the Week

I thought this was a really neat idea I would share for those of you who want a truly homemade package without having to use the boring old twine trick. This is a great tutorial on making your own wire edged ribbon with crochet. Click on the title or the picture to go to the site.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I ain't called the Cheap Hooker for nothing...
black friday,
and to prove it, this Friday -- Black Friday -- the day after Thanksgiving, I am offering 40% off everything in both of my etsy shops. www.jacquijcrochet.etsy.com and www.shutterbuys.etsy.com
No minimum to buy!!
One day only!!
Use promo: Black Friday in the notes to seller section during checkout to receive the discount!!
Note: does not apply to s&h, either wait for a revised invoice by clicking on "other" in the payment section, or pay and I will issue a refund.
This will not happen again this year so stock up on your yarn bags and get holiday gifts out of the way!! See you there!!
No minimum to buy!!
One day only!!
Use promo: Black Friday in the notes to seller section during checkout to receive the discount!!
Note: does not apply to s&h, either wait for a revised invoice by clicking on "other" in the payment section, or pay and I will issue a refund.
This will not happen again this year so stock up on your yarn bags and get holiday gifts out of the way!! See you there!!
I'm Backkkkkk
yarn bags
I finally am back after many long months of working on opening another shop. To see and read all about it (cuz it's waaaayy to long to talk about here) go to http://www.shutterbuys.com/
As of now I have added something very cool to my shop. Yarn bags..... they hold your yarn like a snapware plastic container, but they are way better because instead of that small eyelet hole in the plastic containers, you get an elasticized top to pull your yarn through. Now if you get a snag, or pull too much yarn out at once it is easy to manuver without that small little hole. I am adding new ones constantly so check back for new great fabric!! Head to my shop now by clicking on the title of this post.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Crochet on Hold

My wonderful husband let me go on a shopping spree while on our vacation this past weekend. What you see above you is the damage I did. I got a new toy in the Ipod Itouch. It's funny because I was the person who told everyone that I would never own an Ipod, I'm just not that into music (like music, but not a snob). However, this thing is sooooo coool. Its like a mini computer, with web browsing, movie playing and of course music playing. I love love love it.
My second purchase almost didn't happen. I wanted a new camera, but was thinking of a simple point and shoot. I wasn't thinking about a SLR because I have an old Pentax manual (as in not digital) and didn't want to give in and get a digital because I thought it would seem like a clunky point and shoot. My husband finally talked me into it and I am so glad he did. This thing is so cool. It feels and acts just like an old school SLR right down to the mirror moving when taking pictures. Yet it is so much better because it can make up for your lack of perfect lighting, or perfect composition. You can fix everything in camera or after on the computer. I am a true believer in SLR digital.
Because of these two purchases I haven't crocheted at all these past few days. I am way too busy converting my music library on my computer and learning all about my new camera. I will try to get back into the swing of it soon though.
Pattern of the Week
Pattern of the Week

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Not quite Halloween material....
New listing
...but then again, I guess someone could use it in a cold climate for a princess costume. I bought this pattern from CapeCodConsignments on Etsy because I had the same idea, but just a different way of doing it. However, when I tried to bring my idea into the real world, I just couldn't get to to work. So I bought this one and decided to try it out.
The pattern was well written, easy to follow, can't give it to you, you have to go buy your own. Or just buy one of my completed ones and forget the trouble. Click on the bear picture to get to the listing of the first one I have up. Only $7 better prices than mass produced stuff if you ask me.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
New Scarf Listed
Another Halloween Addition
Just finished this reversible skull potholder. I have it listed in my shop if you just can't live without it (click on the title link to get to it). It is super thick to keep your hands safe, and nice and big to cover your whole hand. Love these. Making some to keep for myself as we speak. Also working on a 100% wool scarf that I should finish today. That is the one good thing about being sick. Lots of time to crochet.
Pattern of the Week
Pattern of the Week

I was sick yesterday, still am today, but not as bad. I totally flaked with the pattern of the week so today I will present it. I am all about Halloween patterns right now, so I thought I would share a cute one with you today.
I love these coffee cozys (no clue on how to spell the pural of cozy --cozies, cozys-- you get the idea). I want to make the Frankenstein, but I don't have any green yarn. I seem to have a natural defense mechanism against buying green yarn. I don't think I have ever owned any. Strange. I better go get some before Halloween is over. Anyway, click on the picture to get to the website with the pattern. Happy hooking!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Scoop Scoop Scoop
Go to Joann.com now to get all yarn on their website for 30% off. Hopefully you have already signed up for their email to know that you got a 50% off one item coupon today.
Oh and they are also practically giving away an Ott light for the Friday deal. I have an Ott light and it is the best light ever. You can get a beautiful one for $46.99 that was reg. $129.99. But you gotta sign up for the email. So do it now.
Oh and they are also practically giving away an Ott light for the Friday deal. I have an Ott light and it is the best light ever. You can get a beautiful one for $46.99 that was reg. $129.99. But you gotta sign up for the email. So do it now.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Chchchcheck it out
Halloween Projects
I just made up this very Day of the Dead looking skull for the shop. I like that it doesn't look like a traditional skull. It's part of my Halloween projects that I stopped all my other projects for. If you like it email me and I will tell you where I got it (its a secret. sssssshhhhhhh) Tune back in for more Halloween projects.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Better Start on Halloween
I am dropping all my other projects right not to make up some Halloween stuff to put in my shop. First off Skull appliques. Then I think some ghost. I have a vision of what I want them to look like. I will take pictures once I get my camera back from my husband and I finish some. Stay posted
Monday, August 4, 2008
Pattern of the Week
Pattern of the Week

I am really loving this hat. It looks like it is weaved rather than crochet. Click on the picture to be taken to the pattern.
It is done in 100% cotton and it just totally reminds of being at the beach (I'm sure the picture helps with that feeling).
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Book Review
Book Review

I will be reviewing the books that I own and buy so you can find out first hand what is in it without having to go to the bookstore. I will list each pattern and give a small desc so you will get a feel for what you could do with the book. I try to be fairly detailed so you don't suffer with a book you hate. If you have any extra questions about a book, email me and I will try to answer it for you.
I wanted to begin my book reviews with my favorite crochet book that I own. Donna Kooler's Encyclopedia of Crochet is my bible for crochet. I use this book more often than any other for design my projects. Click on the picture to be directed to Amazon to get this $25 book for about $10 used. That's even better than what I paid for my used copy ($12 to be exact)
Inside you will find the History of Crochet, which I actually enjoyed reading. It hasn't been around very long.
After the history you then get the basics. They go through all types of yarns and materials. They then give you the basic techniques of crochet (right and left handed) in very easy to see computer generated pictures -- not pictures of people crocheting, which can be very difficult to decipher. This section goes beyond the sc, hdc, dc, and tr to include rounds, poststitches, inc, dec, clusters, bobbles, puffs and more-- all in right and left handed explanations. This section alone is worth the money and it just gets better from there.
Next are the patterns, and at first I just glossed over these because I was interested in specialty stitches more than anything (we will get to those shortly), but then taking the time to look at each of these has increased my appreciation for this book even more. These are beautiful classic patterns that are very detailed and not at all stuffy.
The first pattern is called "Wrapped in Love" and is the design you see on the cover (minus the necklace made of wire, that comes later). Beautiful simple wrap with interesting tassel ends in the corners. These are great patterns also because they give you charts for each pattern as well (this can be handy when the wording is confusing on the written pattern)
Second pattern is "Decorative Hot Pad" very simple hot pad but it is done on the diagonal which makes it more visually stimulating then a simple sc, or dc hot pad you may find for free on the web.
Third pattern is "Button Top Socks" if I had the urge to make socks (little too much work for such a small item that you don't really see when worn) these would be first on my list. Not bulky at all, they look almost knit with a cute textured top.
Fourth pattern is "Mufflers", cute and basic in a seed stitch pattern. Looks like a scarf.
Fifth pattern is "Granny Squre Poncho" and is for a little girl. I love this pattern and can't wait to make it for my daughter. The edging around the joined Granny Squares gives it a more professional (as in sold in stores) look. They chose really cute colors too, almost looks like a garden with colored flowers surrounded in green.
Sixth pattern is "Shell of Shells" and is an women's shell top. Done in a shell pattern this is suprisingly unbulky and looks like it drapes well. Would be good under a jacket, I would probably line if it I were wearing it by itself.
Seventh pattern is "Aran isles muffler and tam" its a hat and scarf set for a young girl and is super cute. Reminds me of Norman Rockwell pictures of winter. Has cable stitches and other textured stitches that make it look very expensive.
Next the patterns go "Beyond the Basics" they give you a tutorial on working with color and give you lots of color wheels and tips on choosing colors.
They then give you the techniques on joining colors and working with tapesty as well as filet, motifs and doilies. They also touch on bead crochet and wire crochet. This book covers everything!!! They even give you Tunisian crochet patterns and techniques.
The eight pattern is called "Lap of Luxury" and is a tri color afghan with fringe. Beautiful yarn in a textured stitch.
The ninth pattern is "Baby Bobbles" and is a cute baby blanket done with pastel bobbles on a white background. Looks super soft and great texture for baby to touch.
Tenth pattern is "Delicate Filet Edging" which shows you how to dress up pillowcases and sheet edges with a prety floral edging of filet.
Eleventh pattern is "Virginia Roses" and is a cute rose doilie. I am not a doilie maker (maybe in another 30 years or so) so I don't know if this is a good one, but I don't find it offensive. It helps you to learn to join motifs. One of the motifs is sewn onto a pin cusion which is cute and wouldn't mind trying.
Twelth pattern is "Irish Roses" and is a covered button crochet pattern of cute roses in different sizes. I could see putting these on a purse or scarf.
Thirteenth pattern is "Wedding Keepsake" and is an awesome beaded bag. Looks like intricate shell pattern with tons of clear crystal beads, I would love to try this one day.
Fourteenth pattern is "Beaded Heart Pins" and are pretty substantial pin brooches. They have two on a dress form and they take up most of the chest.
Fifteenth pattern is "Amulet Necklace" and lets you stick your toe in the water of wire crochet. Small pouch necklace with smaller flowers adorning it.
Sixteenth pattern is "Elegant Wire Jewelry" and I love this necklace. It is the other cover image and is made from lots of wire chains banded together. Simple but chic.
Seventeenth pattern is "In a Tunisian Garden" and is a tunisian pillow with a picture of a hummingbird with flowers. Very pretty and not at all old lady looking. Looks fairly difficult but is labeled for a beginner. Will probably try it one day.
Eighteenth pattern is "Child's Tunisian Vest" vest done in Tunisian stitch, which I love the stitches but not sure if I would make a vest for my daughter with it. Could be made into a pillow or blanket though.
Nineteenth pattern is "Medallion" a small flower applique that the child modeling the vest wears between the vest opening on the shirt underneath. Cute applique done in three colors.
Pattern number twenty is the fabled "Philosopher's Coat" if you have heard of this book you have heard of this coat. Super great for an old woman, I would never sport it, but it is so detailed it would probably take years to complete. This is the ultimate test of your crocheting skills. Tons of colors and tons of stitches. Insanely complicated, and I am sure it was a pain to convert to a pattern.
That is where the completed patterns end but not where the book ends. Now we move onto the crochet pattern gallery.
I love, love, love this section. This is where I get all of my specialty stitches I use in alot of my designs. Each of the patterns has a 2 x 2 close up picture, a graph pattern and a written pattern. In total there are 107 patterns. Then there are 4 flower patterns with 2 leaf patterns to accompany them. They have 6 beautiful granny squares (more like granny art) then 9 flowery (round and flower shaped, but not a flower) motifs. I am making a scarf out of the "Mica Motif" right now.
Then they move on to Filet. They have 3 filet diagrams and 4 filet edgings.
After that they have crocheted edging patterns. 18 in total. I used the "crab" edging in my nitty gritty washcloth that is in my Etsy shop.
To fuel your learning they then dedicate 5 pages and 9 patterns of Tunisian crochet to finish off the book. On the page before the index, they supply you with online links to resources and suppliers.
For me, this is the best all inclusive book that I own and I recommend it to anyone that wants to design their own patterns. This gets my highest honors 4 balls of fun.

My super deal
So I haven't visited my local Tall Mouse store in quite a while. I decided to check it out yesterday and I am so glad I did. I found some Red Heart Casual Cot'n for $2 a skein. I would take a picture of my newly acquired stash materials but my husband took the camera to work. So I supplied the link to Joann's in the title of the post so you can see what the yarn looks like and to see that I got it more than 50% off.
Not sure what I will make with it, but I knew it was a great deal that I couldn't pass up.
Remember, never pay retail!! Happy hooking.
Not sure what I will make with it, but I knew it was a great deal that I couldn't pass up.
Remember, never pay retail!! Happy hooking.
More Money Saving Tips
Money saving tips
As you may have found out by now that free patterns on the web can be lacking in their beauty and originality. Really how many potholders can one person make? You may be thinking about heading down to the bookstore and picking up some pattern books. STOP!!! Whether you have a 40% off coupon or not, buying from the bookstore or local craft store will still cost you more than following a few simple tips:
- Buy online. Two great sites for discounted books are Amazon.com and half.com (hosted by ebay) These two sites have just about any pattern book you could find at the store but they have one thing the store doesn't -- people who will sell their copy cheap. I have litterally picked up crochet books that run $25 for 25 cents (plus s/h). These two sites are great for regular books also. You can get just about any book out there for cheaper than what you would spend at the bookstore.
Of course, visit the bookstore first so you can see the inside of the book you want to buy so you don't get stuck with a book you hate just because you thought the cover was cute (I am so guilty of this).
- Visit the library. It may be a limited selection, but they still have books that you can take home and try out before you buy. If you really love the book you borrow then you can always go the tip above this one and find a good deal on it.
- Buy online. Two great sites for discounted books are Amazon.com and half.com (hosted by ebay) These two sites have just about any pattern book you could find at the store but they have one thing the store doesn't -- people who will sell their copy cheap. I have litterally picked up crochet books that run $25 for 25 cents (plus s/h). These two sites are great for regular books also. You can get just about any book out there for cheaper than what you would spend at the bookstore.
Of course, visit the bookstore first so you can see the inside of the book you want to buy so you don't get stuck with a book you hate just because you thought the cover was cute (I am so guilty of this).
- Visit the library. It may be a limited selection, but they still have books that you can take home and try out before you buy. If you really love the book you borrow then you can always go the tip above this one and find a good deal on it.
Friday, August 1, 2008
New Scoop at Joanns
If you were still deciding whether to sign up for Joann.com emails, here is another great reason why. Starting today, every Friday they will be having a special sale item that is a super great deal. Today's deal is reg $199.99 but they are selling it for $74.99. Won't tell you what it is... give you more incentive to sign up and start saving.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Never Pay Retail Again
Money saving tips
I hate paying retail for anything, and crochet supplies are no exception. I will offer you a few of my tips for never paying retail on your crochet addiction again.
- get the Sunday paper. Almost every week there is a 50% off regular priced item from Michaels coupon. Sometimes, Joanns and Tall Mouse are in there too. You don't have to subscribe, you can just go buy it for a buck 25 when you need a coupon. Then head to your local store and start buying up supplies.
I use Clover soft touch hooks. They run over $50 for the set I have (contains 8 hooks), but with my 50% off coupon, I got them for about $25 dollars.
If I don't have a big ticket item I want to purchase that week. I still go in and get a one pound skein of yarn in basic colors I use all the time (i.e. white, black, brown) Instead of paying $7.99 when I need it. I pay $4 and never run out.
- sign up for craft store email newsletters. I know you probably don't want anymore emails in your inbox, but this is how to get the great deals. The best is Joann.com, they send out coupons all the time and have online only sales that can save you big bucks. Beware of buying online though. Always calculate the shipping in with your final price to see if it would be cheaper to just go to the store (for those of you in the boonies, ignore the last remark).
-ebay. But beware, you could end up spending more money for yarn than if you bought it full price at the store. The best way to shop on ebay is to have Joann.com up in another window. Pick out a listing you like and then check Joann for the price of the yarn (if it is specialty yarn, then do a search and find where they sell it to check the price), if the price is better than Joann, then bid, but make sure you add in shipping when trying to figure out if it is worth it or not. A .99 cent lot is no good if you have to pay $20 to ship it.
When looking on ebay keep your mind open. Don't pass up a good deal just because you don't know what you will make from it right now. If you have the money and don't mind having a stash, stocking up when it is available will save you lots of money in the long run.
Check back soon for the next installment of money saving tips. Bye for now and happy hooking!!
- get the Sunday paper. Almost every week there is a 50% off regular priced item from Michaels coupon. Sometimes, Joanns and Tall Mouse are in there too. You don't have to subscribe, you can just go buy it for a buck 25 when you need a coupon. Then head to your local store and start buying up supplies.
I use Clover soft touch hooks. They run over $50 for the set I have (contains 8 hooks), but with my 50% off coupon, I got them for about $25 dollars.
If I don't have a big ticket item I want to purchase that week. I still go in and get a one pound skein of yarn in basic colors I use all the time (i.e. white, black, brown) Instead of paying $7.99 when I need it. I pay $4 and never run out.
- sign up for craft store email newsletters. I know you probably don't want anymore emails in your inbox, but this is how to get the great deals. The best is Joann.com, they send out coupons all the time and have online only sales that can save you big bucks. Beware of buying online though. Always calculate the shipping in with your final price to see if it would be cheaper to just go to the store (for those of you in the boonies, ignore the last remark).
-ebay. But beware, you could end up spending more money for yarn than if you bought it full price at the store. The best way to shop on ebay is to have Joann.com up in another window. Pick out a listing you like and then check Joann for the price of the yarn (if it is specialty yarn, then do a search and find where they sell it to check the price), if the price is better than Joann, then bid, but make sure you add in shipping when trying to figure out if it is worth it or not. A .99 cent lot is no good if you have to pay $20 to ship it.
When looking on ebay keep your mind open. Don't pass up a good deal just because you don't know what you will make from it right now. If you have the money and don't mind having a stash, stocking up when it is available will save you lots of money in the long run.
Check back soon for the next installment of money saving tips. Bye for now and happy hooking!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Deer caught in the headlights...
That is look that any person who has been thru an earthquake before gets just as the first jolt hits. As you may have heard, my little town of Los Angeles just got hit with a healthy 5.8 jolt and I was thinking about how whenever I am in an earthquake (lived here my whole life, so quite a few), no matter where you are or who you are with as soon as the first wave hits, everyone stops and gets the meerkat manor thing going on. We all look up and around at everyone to see if
1) Will there be more shakes after this one.
2) If there is more, is anyone going to be the uncool person to make a run for it outside. Seriously its like a unspoken oath to try to be as cool as you can in an earthquake. You are supposed to stand there and look like you are on a ride at disneyland.
Thankfully I have never been out in public when a major one hits, cuz I would so be the uncool one. Ya never know when the big one will hit.
Anyways, it was a fun ride while it lasted and I hope no more aftershocks today.
1) Will there be more shakes after this one.
2) If there is more, is anyone going to be the uncool person to make a run for it outside. Seriously its like a unspoken oath to try to be as cool as you can in an earthquake. You are supposed to stand there and look like you are on a ride at disneyland.
Thankfully I have never been out in public when a major one hits, cuz I would so be the uncool one. Ya never know when the big one will hit.
Anyways, it was a fun ride while it lasted and I hope no more aftershocks today.
Monday, July 28, 2008
New Crochet! Magazine
I just got my new edition of Crochet! magazine. I subscribe to a couple of crochet magazines and I am always excited when I receive them. Usually the excitement fades once I open it and see the old out of date patterns the grandma's who run these things are still shoving down our throats, but today I was pleasantly surprised. I already see something that has potential. A cute amigurumi backpack. Click on the title link and see it on their website.
Hopefully the editors of these magazines will realize that crochet is picking up again with the younger generation and they need to go with the flow and adapt to the changing times.
Hopefully the editors of these magazines will realize that crochet is picking up again with the younger generation and they need to go with the flow and adapt to the changing times.
Pattern of the Week
Pattern of the Week
My pattern of the week is the 100% cotton bath puff. Instead of buying those scratchy non-washable ones, you can easily make this in a couple of hours with a 2oz skein of Sugar and Cream Yarn. Click on the title of this post to be redirected to the free pattern. Happy Hooking!!
If you are not in the mood to crochet one and just want to buy it, just click on the picture to be taken to my shop to purchase this one. Only $4, just a buck more than the disposable ones.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
First Scoop
Joann Craft Stores are having a great clearance going on right now. Alot of there Sensations yarn is being cleared out. Click on the title of this post for the link for this beautiful boucle I just bought. It lists for 2.99 on the website but I got if for 1.97 in the store. They had so many beautiful yarns for 1.97 ea I had a hard time resisting. I need to start reducing my stash before I start increasing it again. Go check out your local Joanns and stock up now. The holidays are just around the corner.
Welcome to my Site
Hello all. I am sure you have heard of the Happy Hooker if you are a ferosh crocheter such as myself. Well I wanted to introduce myself, I am the Cheap Hooker. I am a stay at home mom who has to be money savy in everything I do. That includes my passion -- crocheting.
I have redone my blog to showcase my designs and extremely easy ways to cut cost while still making beautiful things. In the next few weeks I will be posting some easy ways to keep your addiction within your budget. So check back often and you will be rewarded with many good deals.
I have redone my blog to showcase my designs and extremely easy ways to cut cost while still making beautiful things. In the next few weeks I will be posting some easy ways to keep your addiction within your budget. So check back often and you will be rewarded with many good deals.
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